Friday, June 14, 2013

My Supports

The first person I choose was my mom, Rose, because she is my ultimate support through EVERYTHING throughout my life. I know that she is one person that i can call on at anytime and she alwasy seems to have the right answer. She encourages me when I want to quit. I definetely do not think that i would be as far as i am in my education if it wasnt for her support.

The next person is my fiance Marcus. He has also been a daily support when I have long and hard days at work. He also gives me that extra push need when im uncertain about if I can accomplish things.

I guess my other daily supports would be my co-workers and my team at work. We have each others back and when someone needs help i know that i can go to them for guidance. My other support is my phone because without it I would be lost. I use my phone for notes, emails, and reminders all day, so yep its a daily support.


The challenge that I chose, was one  `that I would like to face sometime in the future and that would be: Having A Baby! I know that throughout a pregancy I will need support in so many different ways. I would first need my fiance to help me to get pregnant lol. Then I would need a doctor for monthly visits and to ensure that everything goes well for me to deliever a healthy baby. I would also need my mom there to help with with whatever I might need and to keep the baby so I can get some sleep sometimes HA HA. I commend single parents that have raised baies on thier own because without a support system, im sure I could do it but it would be much harder.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

My Connections to Play

Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.
Fred Rogers
American television personality

Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.

Kay Redfield Jamison
Contemporary American professor of psychiatry

Play energizes us and enlivens us. It eases our burdens. It renews our natural sense of optimism and opens us up to new possibilities.

Stuart Brown, MD
Contemporary American psychiatrist

In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play.  ~Friedrich Nietzsche

You're never too old to do goofy stuff.  ~From the television show Leave it to Beaver, spoken by the character Ward Cleaver

Toys from the 80’s


These are all toys that I had and loved as a child. I still have some of these toys in my moms storage.


I played a lot as a child with my cousins because my sister is almost 7 years younger than me. We played outside a lot as children. Making up games, playing hide and go seek, running races, skating and just any kind of sport you can think of. We played outside after school, once we finished our homework or course. We started going to summer camps at about 12 because we wanted to go on field trips. In our family there was a time for work and a time for play and we got plenty of both. My mom and grandmother made sure that we lived a great childhood full of play and fun. I enjoyed my childhood and I am still a child at heart. I think that all adults should have fun in their lives. We can get so caught up in working and responsibilities that we forget to have fun. Sometimes I have to take a break in my hectic life and go be a kid again and have fun. Like one on the quotes I picked says. “We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” You have to make time for fun no matter hectic life gets. I think play is being robbed from children today because parents have so many other things that they put ahead of their children’s happiness. We have to let children be children.